See all the photos of this project: PHOTOS For this project i would like to thank Brad Lancaster and his books,RAINWATER HARVESTING FRO DRY LANDS AND BEYONDS 1 AND 2
Soil conservation is very important in a tropical farm. Heavy rains tend to wash the soil creating erosion and a lot of water is not absorbed by the ground but quickly slips into the valley especially in our property which is very sloped and clayey.If are not carried out conservation work the soil after heavy rains get dry quickly. From the beginning we tried to do this work and after a course of permaculture in 2004 we have improved our techniques. Only after 5 years we have heard of 2 books by Brad Lancaster (RAIN WATER HARVESTING FOR DRY LANDS AND BEYOND) that explain the concept perfectly. We were very impressed by the story of Mr. Phiry Maseko from Africa told by Brad in Volume 1,where this gentleman ''plant the rain'' before the plants; this is a concept very interesting . We planted the rain too using techniques very similar to those described by Brad in his books,we too as he went out right in time of the storm to see how
1) Swale (permaculture name) or berm 'and Basin (Brad Lancaster) on the contour which over the years we have expanded, delving real lakes (10-15 cubic meters). Think about that when is raining strong and the water start sliding everywhere the swale and ponds employ more than 2 hours to fill up.
2) Diversion Swale with check dams to slow down the water.
3) 2 large terraces and singolar terrace for every single tree planted expecially in the most steep.
4) Check dams of stone and often reinforced with plants in every place where water flows.
5) Ground cover as much as possible, because the land protected by the plants is also protected against erosion.
The results are visible, the trees planted near the berm 'n basin grow better and faster than others.Before of all check dams soil is deposited by water limiting
land erosion. The land is much more humid the before .We willcontinue to improved the system every year .We have patience because we believe that these projects never end.