For this project I would like to thank Chris Shank of Project Bona Fide ,Art Ludwig of Oasis Design and his book Water storage
Check our video in youtube: Finca El Zopilote: Ferro-Cement Water Tank

In 2008, after 6 years of suffering, we
decided to build a water tank big enough for our needs. I have a premise on watersystem of the community who would say lucky because there are sources of drinking water and rivers at the top of the volcano and there is no need for pumps. A foreign organization about a decade ago has made available to the community money and an engineer to get down the drinking water from the slopes of
the volcano Madera: The community has provided the workforce and once finished the project were crated committees to manage the liquid. Needless to say that the lack of money, lack of
knowledge, the struggles between different villages and the dramatic increase of the population both local and foreigners have done a good water system a mess. It is not uncommon to stay several days without receiving water during the dry season and the rainy season, for problems due to breakage, lack or excess of pressure, vandalism.
Our water supply consisted of some ROTOPLAST that could contain a total of about 5000 liters; during summer we had a range of about a day and a half and that was very little.With the aid provided by Chris of PROJECT BONAFIDE and a team of experienced local builders have designed a ferro-cement watertank that can hold 50,000 liters to assist us in the absence of water for 15 days and rationing even more.The work of construction is fast but for the preparation of all materials (sand, fine sand, cement, iron) needs time.When everything is in place we can start to build:
1) The foundation: concrete with an armature of iron round with a diameter of 5 metri.Needs 8 people with a day of work (I note that all jobs are done by hand without the use of any machine). Photos: 1 2 3
2) The reinforcement of the walls, all in iron bound with wire and attached with a steel mesh that is needed to support future cement (3 people, 7 / 10 working days).Photos: 1 2 3
3) The concrete walls and finishing: practically need to full the armature of iron with concrete and the work must be done in a day otherwise it dries the structure (14 people, 1 day of work).Photos 1 2 3
For about a month we s have kept wet the concrete using water several times a day without filling it. The end result is excellent, little cement is used, enough but not too much iron and have a super-strong structure and is durable.The concrete roof is recommended, but we covered with a net and in the rainy season can be filled with the rain. Inbound and outbound from the tank we placed filters.
Check our video in youtube: Finca El Zopilote: Ferro-Cement Water Tank