I have many ideas to build a cleaner world but is not particularly easy especially for political problems, not for technical problems.The biggest problem is how to marry economics with ecology if after a small economic crisis as the last where production of the industrialized countries declined by 20%, the world is very concerned and is looking forward to the time when production and consumption will increase again .But how do we build a cleaner world with these production rates that are destroying and using all the natural resources of the planet?I'm not an analyst but I think we should decrease the production of at least 80%. The same thing should be made for the consumption of the rich countries.... we have too much, too much consumerism that escape from our control, like who goes shopping for depression and to pass the time,and not for necessity.Do yourself some questions. How many pairs of shoes do you have? How many electronic equipment? How many clothes? And how many things you had and were thrown still usable? How much rubbish do you throw away each week? Today, the waste is recycled but the best thing

Assuming that production falls by 80% just imagine the amount of unemployed .We built machines to do everything,they get our works and now there is little need for human labor ; also the machine does not complain, does not strike , does not get tired ...... Maybe this is why unemployment exists? I think so.It 'difficult to make working the consumerism for a long time because everything is ending, would need a planet 10 times larger or 10 times less people and maybe could be possible.
Suppose then that I am the first green dictator of the whole world. What would i do?
Imagine that there is a global ecological revolution and that i go to power with full powers.

First outlaw fossil fuel engines. Today we have enough technology to replace them easily.
Abolish the fashion and advertising that only tempt you to consumption even if you do not need, everyone can dress like they prefer and instead of publycity,to organize public exhibitions to show new products so who is interested can participate.
Buy a new car every 10 years, at least that will not break. I have a car of 20 years in Italy and a motorcycle of 22 in Nicaragua ,both still working fine, but some of my friends had more than 20 vehicles at this time.
And what to do for all the unemployed ? Decrease the number of machines in the industry, leaving only those necessary , increasing the demand for labor. Putting a 4-hour shifts 5 days a week because to work 8 hours a day is too much and no one likes, deprime.With lots of free time each could do works socially useful , cultivate a small vegetable garden, go dancing ,have fun ....
Decrease abundantly the number of policemen and soldiers, creating a green army of gardeners and maintenance of public green spaces that instead of being merely decorative would produce fruits and vegetables.
Eliminate aircraft. Stop to fly, at least until we find a clean solution .Until then we will use the sailboat, like once, maybe slow, but certainly fascinating. Want to go on holiday in Nicaragua to Zopilote? Leave a month before and make the crossing in a sailing boat. Are you in hurry? Your problem.
The homes must be built using green technology , then fitted with solar panels, windmills, oriented along the sun to warm or cool them, with compost toilets and constructed wetlands.
Prohibit the production of junk food and junk things ( things of little value that they last little time) .Evertthing must be made of the highest quality and ,if necessary, sold at higher prices following the philosophy of to consume less and better. Today there are products that last very little and are very cheap made mostly in China, but once things were made to last and handed down for generations.
What do you say, do you help me?....