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Hi, i am Cristiano from El Zopilote....

I'd like to advise that here we usually give the opportunity to volunteer to 12 even 15 people, so there are plenty of possibilities.....More....we really need volunteers because is difficult to run the place without them....we are always looking for people wants to stay a couple of months with us....
At the same time is difficult to know when we need people and when there are too many, sorry, i hope you understand that organizing 10 people travelers from 10 different countries , is difficult.

On more thing: we prefer a lot to meet people in person speaking looking in the eyes , because we need trustable people to work here, and honestly by email is very difficult to understand who you are. At the same time to come here and check personally the place is a good opportunity to understand how we work, who we are, if you like the lace, if you like the food........

So, my suggestion is to come here personally with 2 months time to spend here (2 months is the minimum to stay here volunteering) and ask to the volunteer organizer which is Lorenzo for the next year.

Thanks to write, sorry for my english, is not my language, i hope you understand , and maybe see you around
bye bye, Cristiano.