AFRICAN BEES (See all the photos)
In February 2013 our bees get very angry without specifics reasons and killed the pig and the dog of the neighboor that were on chain 150 metres away from the bees colonies. For this reason we sold all of them and we bought in Esteli ( North of Nicaragua ) 10 MELIPONINI families calle Mariolas. Please, for more information read down here. Thanks.
MELIPONINI (See all the photos)

Conversely, there are various types of bees of the family of Meliponini stingless that are harmless. Before the arrival of the colonists were commonly used by natives for the production of honey a little more acid than the common, but very good. In nature the nest ( photo ) are found in cavities of trees or palms, but you can "move" inside boxes similar to the beehouses. Il huge advantage is that you can place inside the houses because they are not dangerous and we do not need to buy wax sheets because they put the honey in containers manufactured by them with mud . We have found a Meliponini family very similar to flies and we're planning to place them in all houses including those of the guests.
From 2013 we have 22 families of Meliponini called Mariolas and 5 families called Soncuan coming from esteli, North of Nicaragua.
More we found inside the property and from neighboors 6 more families from Ometepe of different tipe: SonJuan rojos, Abeja mosca, Jicote Manso.
We are very happy to cnage from African bees to Meliponi because are species original from Latin America and they dont sting. The honey is very high quality too.